Monday, January 3, 2011

It's A Love Story...

Ahhh...the winter break return :)  I must say, I'm feeling quite rested, refreshed, and ready to begin one of my all time favs, Romeo and Juliet.  It is definitely interesting exploring adolescent love with an all boys crowd; a mix of coy blushing and laugh out loud hilarity.

This year, we're going to do True Life documentaries (something like We're in Love, but Our Parents Hate Each Other) as we recite, perform and analyze the nuances of The Bard.  Most students (and parents for that matter) fail to realize how vulgar Shakespeare really was...particularly intriguing given many censorship debates in the new millenium as students and their teachers read things like The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian (we will @ The School this year), the Twilight saga, Harry Potter and others.  People are so quick to say "No," and then try to use traditional wisdom to justify their bias...

Go ahead and say "Kids should be reading Shakespeare [or Twain, or the Brontes]".  Give me any cannonical author and I'll reveal the same sex-crazed, utterly insane, narcissistic, recreant that typifies most writers ;)

In prime fashion...I'm out

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